Reiki - Goddess Alchemy Temple
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Reiki Healing with Intuitive Guidance

Reiki is a Japanese method of healing, which promotes stress reduction and relaxation. Reiki assists the body’s own ability to heal by releasing stagnant blocks throughout the energy centres, helping restore and maintain a balance of mind, body and soul.

Session includes:

  • A chat to start, making sure it is the best choice of healing modality for you
  • Energy healing & balancing of the Chakra system
  • Intuitive feedback is received on your behalf, this will be fully discussed with you at the end of the Reiki session, allowing you opportunity to understand the guidance of your own soul.

1.5 Hour Session
1 Hour add on with any facial or massage*

Reiki with Crystal & Sound Therapy

Combining the healing power of Reiki, natures Crystals and sound vibrations of the Tibetan Singing Bowl, you will be taken on a healing journey through the chakra energy systems, bringing about a total sense of purity and balance.

1.5 Hour Session with Intuitive Guidance
Reiki Crystal Healing


Distance Reiki Healing with Intuitive Guidance

Distance Reiki sessions are just as effective as hands on healing. Energy is everywhere and  is able to be moved with intention and direction. For a full description, go to our blog on distance Reiki.

1.5 Hour Session
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